The energy rate increased from 0.48 gbp to 0.77 gbp in the UK!
Every month energy rates increase and it is becoming really expensive. It recently happened in the UK. The energy rate increased from 0.48 gbp to 0.77 gbp in the UK! Recently energy prices have become 77.41 pence per kWh.
Also in the first half of 2022, average household electricity prices in the EU increased sharply compared with the same period in 2021, from €22.0 per 100 kWh to reach €25.3 per 100 kWh. Average gas prices also increased compared with the same period in 2021 from €6.4 per 100 kWh to €8.6 per 100 kWh in the first half of 2022.https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20221031-1
Though you don’t have to pay too much for your energy. We have a solution for you!
Change your energy resources to renewable energy. It is that simple! Purchase one of the renewable energy products, install it to your home and generate your electricity! You will be saved from high energy bills besides you can start saving money.
You can not depend on non-renewable energy sources because they are not stable and they are finite.
Of course this is not only about saving money. By investing in renewable energy you will save the environment and do something for your future.
So start thinking about nature first and then your pocket!
Energy prices will continue to rise everyday so you need to start generating your own energy. If not today, when?