Is it just me or does everyone feel cool? Fall has already come. Though 1st of september seems to be the first day of autumn, officially or you can say in geography terminology 23nd of September is the first day. And it has a cool name for that day, equinox. Let's find more about this.
Today is the 23 September Equinox, in other words officially the first day of fall. At the equinox, the Sun rises directly in the east and sets directly in the west. The Sun crosses the Earth’s equator and that is called a solar equinox. On that day, the Sun appears to rise due east and due west. The equality of day and night occurs twice a year, on 21 March and 23 September equinoxes occur. As the sun rays hit the equator perpendicularly, where the circle of enlightenment passes.
The word equinox derives from the Latin word aequus which means equal and the word noctis, nox which means night. So on the equinox day, daytime and nighttime are almost equal.
September 23 is considered the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere and autumn in the northern hemisphere. You can enjoy the day time and night equally. It is the same time for the night and day so spend this unique day wisely.
In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the sun's rays fall at an angle of 90° to the Equator at noon. The shadow length is zero at the equator. From this date, the sun's rays begin to fall perpendicular to the Southern Hemisphere. From this date, the nights begin to be longer than the days in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite happens. This date is the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Enlightenment circle is tangent to the pole. The Sun is visible at both poles on this date. Day and night are equal on Earth. This date is the beginning of 6 months of night at the North Pole and the beginning of 6 months of day at the South Pole.
There is a difference between solstice and equinox, they are actually quite opposite. Equinoxes are on the dates 21 March and 23 September while solstices are on 21 June- the longest day of the year as the beginning of summer and 21 December- the shortest day of the year as the end of the winter.
We have mentioned summer solstice in one of our former blogs, you can learn more about. https://www.tesup.co.uk/post/the-most-productive-summer-solstice-with-tesup
Also do you know that in Japan this day is celebrated as a public holiday? On this day, schools and public offices are closed and off for workers. In their culture, the autumnal equinox is celebrated with the tradition of Higan. They remember deceased relatives and the passing of the seasons.
After today in the Southern Hemisphere, the days begin to get longer than the nights and in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the opposite. This date is the beginning of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Get yourself one of the Tesup products and get ready for the incoming cool fall days for those living in the Northern Hemisphere and spring days for those in the Southern Hemisphere!