In the transportation industry commercial aviation is the biggest, fastest growing and the most ubiquitous and accesiable one. In the 21st century moving fast and quick is fundamental. We are competing in every second of life, trying not to fall behind.
When you reach your destination goal, you start to think about the environment. I wish it could be the priority from the beginning. But it is never too late to go green.
Now we will connect this subject, which we started from life, to the industrial operation. For centuries several ways of transportation have been in our lives either as passenger transportation or cargo transportation. However , the importance of low carbon emissions has started to take attention in recent years. Transportation companies step into action in this matter. Climate change and crisis are major driving forces of companies to operate with zero emission. They started to think about how to use vehicles that are less harmful to the environment by establishing R&D departments.
E-cargo planes aim to reach zero carbon emission
Aircrafts are the most popular means of transportation. An electrical aircraft is powered by electricity. It is a self contained network of components that generate, transmit, distribute, utilize and store electrical energy.
Logistics is one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions. For the compensation, logistics companies are building garbage disposal facilities, solar panel systems, and electrical delivery vehicles from now on.
DHL which is the global logistics and international shipping cargo company Tesup works with invests in a full electrical cargo plane. https://www.dhl.com/global-en/home/press/press-archive/2021/dhl-express-shapes-future-for-sustainable-aviation-with-the-order-of-first-ever-all-electric-cargo-planes-from-eviation.html
Alice can be flown by a single pilot and will carry 1,200 kilograms. It will be charged in 30 minutes or less per flight hour and have a maximum range of up to 815 kilometers.

The future is zero-emission
The future of the world is zero-emission and companies are well aware of that. Electrification of every transport and vehicle is firmly essential for a sustainable world.
The electrical cargo planes will reduce the maintenance costs and will be operated by the software. The flight performance will be optimum efficient.

To the clean future
Tesup has a sustainable policy and green business concept. That is why we choose the companies we work for accordingly. We all hope that in the very near future everybody will grasp the logic of sustainability and the zero emissions world. To the environment friendly days…