To become a green energy producer and user all you need is 3 products:
You can increase the efficiency of the whole system by adding the Flexible Solar Panel. Wind and solar energy will change each other during 24 h and you will get the maximum power possible for you location.
A household with a small turbine, solar power (optionally with batteries) installed would probably be able to provide all its own power most of the time, and help to stabilise national electricity grids by reducing peaks and troughs in demand. Together with its value of stopping pollution, renewable energy is an alternative source of power becoming necessary to each household.
It is important for you to keep in mind the wind potential of your location and the specifications of the turbine before you choose a technology for your residential installation.
You can register for the Indiviual Consultancy to know all specifications for your region.
With TESUP products it is easy to charge your electric vehicle and generate clean renewable energy for your home!