Tesup was at the Going Global Exhibition in London.
We have announced weeks ago that we would be in the Going Global Exhibition and now the time has come. On the 16th and 17th of November we attended this exhibition.
On the first day of the exhibition, Tesup was there to meet visitors, exhibitors and business colleagues all over the world.
Our Director in Finance, Amanda Pereira, whose area of expertise is Presentations and Lectures made a speech in the panel about sustainability and spoke about sustainability; purpose; how to reduce NetZero; taking actions in the short, medium and long term, and their impacts; carbon footprint; how much it costs to be sustainable; and the difference between solar and wind generation. Since we fully support sustainability and renewable energy, we had much to say. She had an amazing speech on sustainability with Rondi Allan of Sustainable X, and Wayne Cramer of GW ENERGY and she answered questions from both exhibitors and visitors. Those who came to see us are very lucky and actually, we are luckier to see you :)
Going Global is a big event for the businesses to interact and widen their relations. We are extremely content to meet the exhibitors and visitors in London. Better together for a sustainable world!